Rebates Services®

We developed rebate services to handle your tobacco rebates service needs.
Smokin’ Rebates Tobacco Rebate Program

Tobacco manufacturers are offering rebates in exchange for the sharing of tobacco sales scan data. Both Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds have approved the data transmission of Smokin' Rebates. Use this program to seamlessly submit your scan data sales on a weekly basis and receive your rebate money on a quarterly basis.

Key Benefits:

  • Significant Rebate Revenue
  • Tobacco Category Reports
  • Coupon Redemption
  • Includes all 4 current rebate programs
Sign Up for Smokin' Rebates
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Tobacco Rebates Made Easy

After initial set up of Smokin' Rebates, you can let it work seamlessly in the background.

Tobacco Category Reports

You may opt to learn more about your store's tobacco category by running reports or reviewing the scan data.

Significant Rebate Revenue

Although scan data is sent weekly, you will receive quarterly rebate checks from tobacco manufacturers.