Credit Cards

Purchase Options

We want you to take a moment and think about the real cost of buying vs. renting. It is more cost efficient to purchase than it is to pay monthly for your software. There are ongoing interest payments with monthly rental programs.

Using the calculators below, you can determine what the actual cost savings will be.

Rent vs. Buy Comparison

Calculate the savings of buying over renting – enter your own numbers in the white cells and the calculator will automatically update.

This calculator illustrates that a monthly payment of $239 over a 5 year period is equivalent to purchasing the same system for $3995 and paying interest at the rate 69.3% over the period. Enter you own variables and the effective interest rate and payment total will automatically update.

Note: To calculate Vendor B’s annual interest rate, the initial value of their software offering is considered to be equivalent to that of Success Systems. Additional service and hardware costs are assumed to be paid up-front and are included in the total investment but excluded from monthly payments. Results provided by this worksheet are for illustrative purposes only – actual results may vary.

ROI Analysis

An investment in a back-office automation system can have a rapid payback. Enjoy a higher return on investment by considering the following areas that may be substantially improved:

  • Eliminate cash ring errors
  • Control store margins by items and by department
  • Minimize shrinkage to less than 1%
  • Improve price book maintenance
  • Reduce cashier training time
  • Simplify bookkeeping and clerical work

Calculate Potential Savings with This Calculator
(Enter information in cells highlighted in white)

The results provided by this worksheet are for comparison purposes only. Results may differ based on the accuracy of data provided, individual use of Success Systems application and each store’s business processes.

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